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Eski 05-06-2007, 10:24 PM   #3
Daimi Üye
Shaqtr81 'in Avatari
Kayit Tarihi: Jan 2006
Mesajlari: 458
Teşekkür Etme: 25
Teşekkür Edilme: 32
Teşekkür Aldığı Konusu: 13
Üye No: 7710
Rep Power: 1451
Rep Puanı : 1610
Rep Derecesi : Shaqtr81 is a jewel in the roughShaqtr81 is a jewel in the roughShaqtr81 is a jewel in the roughShaqtr81 is a jewel in the roughShaqtr81 is a jewel in the roughShaqtr81 is a jewel in the roughShaqtr81 is a jewel in the roughShaqtr81 is a jewel in the roughShaqtr81 is a jewel in the roughShaqtr81 is a jewel in the roughShaqtr81 is a jewel in the rough
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